Aus-ROC Research Fellow position open
We are looking for an enthusiastic Research Fellow to join our team to coordinate and produce research from the Aus-ROC Australian and New Zealand OHCA Epistry. Details can be found here:
Latest News
New Aus-ROC publication -impact of COVID-19
Howell S, Nehme Z, Ball S, Doan T, Finn J, Bosley E, Faddy S, Dicker B, Swain A, Cameron P, Thorrowgood M, Thomas A, Perillo S, McDermott M, Green M, Packham N, Dantanarayana A, Cuthbertson J, Bray J. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on resuscitation attempts, bystander CPR and survival outcomes in Australia and New Zealand: A binational population-based Epistry study. Resuscitation Plus, 2025, 22, 100894.
2024 Epistry Annual Report
We are delighted to launch our 2024 Aus-ROC Epistry Annual Report and the latest Aus-ROC data*
*Please acknowledge the Aus-ROC Epistry when using infographics or data