Highlights of 2015
Investigators and staff were successful in obtaining funding for a number of Aus-ROC studies, including the EXACT RCT ($1.89M -NHRMC), studies to understand regional variation in bystander CPR ($83K –NHF), and to conduct a post-resuscitation audit in Victorian hospitals ($50K –NBVLL). The NHF also awarded Aus-ROC investigator the Ross Hohnen Award for Research Excellence for the most outstanding and innovative grant application.
Staff and students published 7 Aus-ROC publications, including papers examining: factors related to OHCA survival, trends in incidence over time, CPR training practices, and resuscitation exposure. Staff and students also received a number of national and international conference awards.
We look forward to what 2016 will bring!
Latest News
Aus-ROC paper will enable regions to reduce OHCA risk and improve bystander response
We are pleased to see so much media interest in our latest paper: Identifying areas of Australia with high out-of-hospital cardiac arrest incidence and low bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation rates.
This research was funded by the Heart Foundation.
Grant success!
Aus-ROC investigators are delighted to have received funding from the Heart Foundation of Australia to use world-first statistical simulations to predict where changes to modifiable factors (e.g. increased rates of bystander CPT and AEDs) will lead to the greatest improvement in OHCA survival. Project outcomes will include a national implementation strategy, which will inform and direct future interventions as to what will have the greatest potential to increase survival in every Australian LGA.